Biotinylated Nanovials
Unlock a world of possibility with flexible formats
Each Nanovial acts as an individual cell chamber.
Reach unparalleled throughput with millions of Nanovials in a test tube.

Flexibility and Customization
Original Formulation
EZM™ Nanovials
Biotinylated, for easy modification
Low autofluorescence, great for complex fluorophore panels.
Biotinylated, for easy modification
New formulation with cavity-localized extracellular matrix.
Ideal for adherent cells, improved cell recovery, and high-secreting cells.
35 µm
50 µm
Different Nanovial sizes for diverse cell types and applications
Uncomplicated Workflows
Use the antibodies, antigens, or pMHCs you already have to build a custom single-cell secretion assay

No Black Box
Easy visualization so you can monitor your workflows
Nanovials contain cavities just a bit larger than the size of a cell. Cells are loaded into a large population of Nanovials to ensure a single-cell behavior.
Cross-talk is addressed in multiple ways
Before loading, cells are washed to remove any secretions in the cell suspension.
Cells are loaded with a large ratio of Nanovials, the possibility of two cells in close proximity is decreased.
Our EZM formulation has biotin groups localized to the cavity which reduces cross-talk from neighboring cells.
Secretion incubation time can be optimized for your cells of interest. For high secreting cells, 30-60 minutes was found to work well in our hands.
Bulk and custom orders may be available upon request. Meet with one of our team members to discuss your project today.